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Giga annual report

Giga is a UNICEF-ITU initiative to connect every school to the Internet and every young person to information, opportunity, and choice.
Giga maps schools’ Internet access in real-time, creates models for innovative financing, and supports governments contracting for connectivity.

The task1. Create a concept that intricately weaves together symbolism, graphics, and an engaging narrative for the annual report.

2. Develop a graphic library that not only could be used for the report, but afor the next publications.

3. Design and layout.

ConceptGiga has crafted digital products that dynamically map schools worldwide in real-time. Points displayed on the interfaces signify the locations of these schools. Symbolically, each dot represents more than just a location; it embodies an opportunity to provide access to information to one more child.
Keywords: Child, connectivity, mapping, community, internet.

Dots as a unifying theme to weave the 2023’s biggest stories.

Sample pages